Jennifer Dewar


Every industry has its own jargon and nuances. You can count on me to write articles that speak to your audience.

I’ve written articles about topics as wide-ranging as lead generation and global logistics to the cancer-fighting properties of antioxidants. My work has appeared in academic journals, newspapers, and trade and consumer publications. Here is a sample of articles attributed to corporate spokespersons and my personal byline:

2022 Global Supply Chain Outlook: 5 Trends to Watch (Global Trade)

Gearing Up for Peak Season: Critical Last-mile Delivery (Total Retail)

Future-proofing with Integrated Route Planning and Mobile Technology (Construction Executive)

The development of a healthy eating indicator shopping basket tool (HEISB) for use in food access studies (Public Health Nutrition)

Controlling Interests (European Communications)

You can’t beat berries (The Sunday Post)